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The Rainbow Bridge


This page is dedicated to the memory of all our Doberman friends and companions that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Dobe Prayer

I was standing on a hillside in a field of blowing wheat and the spirit of a Doberman was lying at my feet. He looked at me with kind dark eyes an ancient wisdom shining through and in the essence of his being I saw love there too. His mind did lock upon my heart as I stood there on that day and he told me of this story about a place so far away.

I stood upon that hillside in a field of blowing wheat and in a twinkling of a second his spirit left my feet. His tale did put my heart at ease my fears did fade away about what lay ahead of me on another distant day.

"I live among God's creatures now in the heavens of your mind, so do not grieve for me, my friend as I am with my kind. My collar is a rainbow's hue, my leash a shooting star My boundaries are the Milky Way where I sparkle from afar. There are no pens or kennels here for I am not confined but free to roam God's heavens among the Dobie kind. I nap the day on snowy clouds, gentle breezes rocking me, and dream the dream of earthlings of how it used to be. The trees are full of liver treats and tennis balls abound, Milkbones line the walkways, just waiting to be found.

There even is a ring setup the grass all lush and green, where even Rescue Dobermans become the best of breed. For we're all winners in this place we have no faults, you see. And GOD passes out blue ribbons to each one, even me.

I drink from waters laced with gold my world is beauty to behold. And wise old dogs do form my pride to amble at my very side.

At night I sleep in Angel's arms her wings protecting me and moonbeams dance about us as stardust falls on thee.

So when your life on earth is spent you stand at heaven's gate have no fear of loneliness, for here, you know I wait."
--Author Unknown--
Permission Slips, The Messages From Beyond The Rainbow Bridge.
Check out this beautiful tribute to animals and animal lovers, created by Chriss Bowman:

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In October of 1998, I responded to an ad in the local paper about Doberman Puppies. My heart wasn’t set on taking one home with me; I was just beginning to consider the idea. When I went to the location there was a litter of cute, adorable Doberman puppies playing in the front yard. Along side of them was an older red male, who I was told was about a year old, who was sitting close by. I came over and sat down, and immediately the older red male came and sat down at my side. I stayed and chatted with the people for about thirty minutes, holding the puppies, asking questions, etc. All the while the older Dobe never left my side. After a half hour I left, driving home thinking about it. I had never had a puppy before, and this older dog, he never left my side the whole time I was there. I kind of took it as “he chose me”. What a good dog, I thought—boy was I right.

I did end up going back and “rescuing” him, who became my confidant, best friend, protector and most importantly, my family member. The day I picked him up and brought him home he was limping a bit on his front leg. The guy told me it was just because he played rough with his other dogs. I had already made the decision to take him home, and I wasn’t educated enough at the time to know how lucky it was that I came along. A couple of months later I took my new best friend, Damien, to Petsmart to have his picture taken with Santa. It was being sponsored by the local Rottweiler and Akita Rescue. When I showed up, one of the members recognized Damien as being one of the dogs they were trying to rescue. They started telling me horrible stories of the man I got Damien from had been cited a few years ago for having over 40 dogs in a small area-and other charges of animal cruelty. I did call the county animal control officer and tell them that he had puppies, and they followed up on it.

To make a long story short, it was a rescue, unbeknownst to me at the time from a horrible, abusive backyard breeder. He has been the most loyal and trusting best friend a person could ever ask for. He came down to St. Louis and adopted a baby brother through Midwest Doberman Rescue name Deuce’s Wild, and was a big brother to him for almost a year and a half. Damien just recently became ill with cancer and was engaged in a uphill battle. After eleven years, ten of which we spent together, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge sometime Monday, February 18th, 2008 between 9:30am-12:30pm. I knew it was time for him to go-that morning he looked at me, ears laid back, head hung low, and I looked back at him, tears welling up in my eyes, a knot in my throat and said it was ok to let go—when I came home for lunch he was gone. RIP Damien, my heart, my soul, my baby boy.


Dobie Gillis
Dobie came into rescue just about 2 years ago in 2005, he was 15 years old. We knew his real age and name because he was micro-chipped. He was a fine Doberman and it was an honor to have him in our home for the short time he was here. Everybody loved Dobie and he never met a stranger. We spoiled him as much as we could, he loved to go for a ride in the car, and as bad as his legs and hips were, he would climb up in the car with all the energy he had. I can still here his Woof-Woof and see him stomping his front leg when he wanted your attention. God Bless you, Dobie Gillis you are missed and we will never forget you. September 4, 2007.

Up in heaven
Doing what all dogs love
Up in heaven
In the sky above

Eating all the bones you can eat
I miss you
I want to give you one last treat

Laying on your doggie bed
Sleeping up in heaven
And playing with your kitty friend

Walking around in your collar of pink
Looking so happy
I miss you more than you'd think

I love your collar, pink and new
I miss you, Sarah
My Dobie in blue.
~ Bri

Hans was a young Dobie boy, only about 14 months old. We rescued him out of animal control only to find out that he had Parvo. He was with us for only 7 short days. He was a big Dobie and a Happy Boy the short time he was here. Rest peacefully, Dobie Boy.

Phoebe came into our life in early 2002. We had just lost our red Dobie boy in February and we missed him terribly. We had originally gone to Rescue to visit a male puppy and when we arrived we were told he had been adopted. We were then greeted by a beautiful black/rust Dobie girl who jumped on the kennel gate to inform us we would be taking her home. "Just let me out of here and I'll show you", she said. She immediately went to my husband and it was love at first sight! Phoebe was on her way to her new home and new life. About the picture: Phoebe was not allowed on the furniture, except for the leather sofa in the lower level. She loved for us to go down there to watch TV so she could lay beside us. Phoebe was such a lover! She was the sweetest, friendliest Dobie girl you can imagine! She loved the Grandkids. The only thing she didn't care for was the squirrels being in her yard and she was very fast and sneaky about keeping them out. My husband passed away in February 2004 leaving Phoebe and me all alone. She was my best friend. In February 2004 Phoebe was diagnosed with Wobbler's Syndrome. She was our 5th. Dobie and none of the others had suffered such a debilitating disease. This past spring it became apparent that it was time for her to cross the Bridge. My domestic partner had fallen madly in love with her, and it was just too hard to watch her going downhill. About three months ago, she gave me that look and said, "Mom, I'm just not having fun anymore." I still cry when I recall that look. Phoebe liked to give kisses and on June 27th, when we finally made the decision, Ken and I were in that small room in the vet's office and in her last breath, our Phoebe girl licked Ken's hand. It was heartbreaking. She is sorely missed. Everyone loved that Baby Doll!

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